Thursday, May 17, 2012

내 한국 결혼식 (My Korean Wedding)

This is the story of my Korean wedding. I blogged a long time ago about Korean weddings (before I actually got to be the bride in one) See here. Needless to say, my experience was a bit different, so I thought I'd put it down here, what it was like for this one particular 외국인 marrying a Korean in Korea.

Well it all began on a sunny day in October. Boyfriend (I guess I should call him Husband now) and I were eating burgers and enjoying a lovely Sunday. We were talking about our plans for the new year when we would both quit our jobs and travel the world together. Suddenly, he asked, "Don't you think it would be better if we were married?" To which I responded, "Did you just propose to me?" And he replied, "Well, that's not really how I wanted to propose, but do you want to get married?"

Fast forward two months (short engagement!). After a meeting with his parents, photo-shoot, invitations, blah blah blah, it was finally our wedding day. I expected a low stress experience, since the few Korean weddings I had attended before were pretty short and to-the-point: listen to a twenty minute speech, a friend sings a song, FREE BUFFET! My wedding was a little bit different. I'll save you the minute-by-minute details and stick to the things which I found interesting/different/awesome/frustrating about getting married in Korea.

I'm not really a fancy kind of gal. I'll admit that my sense of style is crippled at best, but I do enjoy things that are pretty in an understated and classic kind of way. What I found when I was preparing for my wedding day, and on the actual day, is that I was expected to look and act as much like a princess as possible. My wedding planner insisted that I try huge jewelry, tiaras, gloves, etc even when I insisted that I wanted a simple and elegant look. Maybe this happens to brides in every country... I don't know, but I'm happy that I stood up for my pearl studs and french manicure over a tiara and gloves. That is a bride's choice to make. I'm not saying gals shouldn't princess it up if they want to. I just think no one should be pressured into a style that they don't like/aren't comfortable with.

If this woman tries to make me wear a tiara one more time...

The 대기실 is the room where the bride waits before the wedding ceremony begins. Rather than hiding and then making a huge entrance, the bride sits in her little bride room and takes pictures with friends and family as they arrive before the ceremony. I actually really liked this part. It was nice to meet family and friends before the wedding. It calms the nerves and adds a bit a fun. Being a foreigner, it was also kind of like being a really exotic animal on exhibition. Lots of Boyfriend's friends and family were very shy about speaking English, so they'd poke their heads into the 대기실, smile broadly and wave. It was pretty cute.

My brother and I in the 대기실

Because Boyfriend is a culturally sensitive and romantic kind of guy, he suggested that he read his vows in English and I read mine in Korean. This was one of the most stressful but rewarding experiences.

Desperate practicing of the vows

After we finished our western style wedding ceremony, we changed into 한복 and had a short Korean ceremony called 폐백. This is not a full traditional Korean wedding ceremony, but it's a chance for friends and relatives to say something to the bride and groom (best wishes or advice, etc). There's a lot of bowing and soju. The highlights were: Boyfriend's parents threw chestnuts and figs into a sash in my lap to determine how many kids we'll have (2 daughters, 1 son), Boyfriend and I fought over the seed in a fig to determine who will hold the power in our relationship (me!), and at the end I got a sweet piggy-back ride!

Fighting over the fig seed (not actually making out)

After our ceremony we walked the beaches of Busan and then sang the night away with all of our friends at a private 노래방. Safe to say, it was pretty much the best day ever.

Oh yea, and here are some of the highlights on video!

Anyone else get married in another country/cultural tradition? I'd love to hear about it!



  1. Ashu, thanks for posting that video! That was Really sweet. I just LOVE that your party danced their way down the isle and how awesome was TH's kick?! Anyway, I just saw this and was too thrilled not to tell you. I wish you both all the best, especially after this last weekend. Hope it was equally fun and special. Love you both!

  2. Thanks for the love! This weekend was pretty awesome too. How is life back in Minnesota?

  3. Lovely Ashley! You're right, it's too bad we didn't cross paths in Korea. But the world is small enough that we'll still be connect somehow. I love Drew's kick btw!

  4. 식전 및 결혼식 웨딩 촬영과 비디오 촬영 서비스의 대한 제휴 요청

    안녕하십니까 ,
    귀사의 일익 번창하심을 기원합니다.
    저희는 런던 뿐만 아니라 해외에서 식전 및 결혼식 웨딩 촬영과 비디오 촬영 서비스를 제공하고 있는
    Tina Aileen and Ertug Yesildoruk 라고 합니다.
    저희가 메일 드린 이유는 다름이 아니라, 저희 고객의 80% 정도가 아시아와 민접한 관계를 가지고 있어서 함께 할 해외 파트너를 찾고 있는 중입니다.
    저희는 최대 12명 까지 한번에 수용한 헤어서비스와 미용 서비스를 저희 팀이 직접 제공해 드리고 있으며, 고객님의 웨딩 스타일 및 테마에 맞게 촬영을 도와 드리고 있습니다.
    아래 웹 사이트를 통해 저희의 작업과 포트폴리오를 확인 할 수 있습니다.!make-up--hair-styling/c1zkx
    영어는 물론이고, 우리의 팀원은 유창한 한국어와 중국어 서비스를 제공해 드릴 수 있으며 아시아 문화에도 폭넓은 이해를 가지고 있습니다.
    또한 저희는 귀사가 영국에 진출 하는데 도움 드릴 수 있습니다. 올해, 저희는 영국 최대 규모의 웨딩 박람회, "National Wedding Show"에서 성공적으로 전시회를 가졌고, 저희 고객들에게 많은 사진작과 촬영 기사, 웨딩 플래너 등을 소개시켜 드린 바가 있으며 내년 역시 웨딩 박람회에 참석할 예정입니다.
    저희와 함께 하신다면 20%의 커미션을 제공해드릴 것 입니다.
    저희 포트폴리오는 아래 웹사이트를 통해 확인 하실 수 있습니다.
    부디 이글이 도움이 되셨길 바라며 다시한번 논의 할 수 있는 기회가 있었으면 좋겠습니다.
    Tina & Ertug

  5. I'm looking for Korea wedding planner in Seoul, any contact or recommendation? Much appreciate.

  6. Hi, this is Marry Tomorrow - Korea wedding planner for global engaged couple. Have you found wedding planner for your wedding? Hopefully it's not too late to contact, please contact us via ( and talk about your wedding planning :) thanks! have a great day.
