Saturday, April 14, 2012

미안해요 (Sorry!)

Well, it's been about six months since I've posted, which is probably not my longest hiatus, but still, pretty disgraceful. If you were reading back in July, needless to say, my blog/study challenge failed miserably. As always, life gets busy, priorities have to be made, and somehow I always seem to put wine, binge eating, and trashy TV above studying Korean. It's a problem.

But I'm happy to say I haven't been completely useless in the Korean department. I went back to class at 오누리교회 and basically got free 1:1 lessons with my favorite Korean teacher ever, 안진명선생님. She's the best. I brainwashed a bunch of my friends to come with me too. Now everyone loves studying Korean! The month I spent living with my in-laws probably did a lot for me too, at least comprehension-wise. Oh yea, did I mention I got married? More on that later.

Anyway, now I'm back in Canada. More on that later as well. After three years abroad, it's a big adjustment. I feel a little like I've been rewired, and now I'm trying to go back to a previous version of software. Seriously homesick for Korea, so I'm back to this blog. Now I'm thinking have I become one of those annoying white people who tries to be Asian? Probably.

Well this post is kind of lame, but restarting the blog is always a little awkward, especially when you're pretty sure you no longer have any audience. But now that I'm funemployed (unemployed with out the life crushing stress of looking for a new job/worrying about bills), I'll have more time for updating. I promise better programming in the near future... Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. WELCOME BACK TO CANADA.....And keep writing damn it, I miss your posts!
